Monday Motivation · photography

Monday motivation

I love this big, fat, soft, chunky yarn in this green and I have been chomping at the bit to make something awesome out of it and have decided to try my hand at a hat. Yep, a slouchy winter hat. Spring is almost here, but what the hell, I’m going for it.

I have found crochet to be a lot more forgiving than knitting when it comes to making a pattern, but I still am getting the hang of chaining and turning and where to start on the next row. The Craft Yarn Council has a great how-to page on reading a crochet pattern. I got all the abbreviations but the counting throws me off.

I already had to rip out one row and start over. 

But that’s the beauty of crochet, easy to rip out a row, easy to put it back on. I’m afraid I don’t have enough yarn for this patter though, so I’m trying to decide if I am just going to take some yarn I already have an add on to this one, or buy some more of this green to finish it.

I really like the green.

Any thoughts?

thanks for stopping to chat