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Bead work

ID chain with magnetic clasp

I’ve been making ID chains for years, I started doing it when I worked for an airline and I had to wear one that included a proximity card. I didn’t care for the ribbon ones I was offered, and I needed one with a quick release, just in case it got caught on something, I didn’t want to choke. I found a heavy duty magnetic clasp (pictured), and I use a heavy gauge beading wire, to hold everything together.

Just in case young children get a hold of it and decide to play tug of war, it’s less likely to break, but not totally impossible, naturally.


I’ve been wearing my ID chain for over 10 years now and still receive many compliments on it. The magnet is still heavy duty, and since I’ve used many different color beads, it looks great with any outfit. I enjoy making them too, it’s relaxing for me to do this bead work.

May you have a relaxing day.

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