jewelry · Monday Motivation · photos · studio

Monday motivation – a week of thanks

Watch the fingers!

Sometimes I talk to myself while I’m working, do you do that? With this particular photo, I had to remind myself not to hit my fingers.

I can get carried away, you know, with the hammering, it’s a bit obsessive.


Anyway, I managed to finish that hammering without any damage to my fingers, and while writing this post, it dawned on me,


that this is Thanksgiving Week! And in the spirit of giving thanks, every day this week I’ll be posting something I’m thankful for, so for today I am thankful for:

~ not mashing my fingers (and thankful that I even have fingers)

~ the ability, time, money, and opportunities to create

~ people like you who come here to read and see what I do.

Feel free to share what you’re thankful for, and enjoy your week!

thanks for stopping to chat